
All Good Things Come to an End.

            It seems like an end to the story as this may be a final post of mine. The main purpose of this blog was to create for my English ISU and discuss the topic of idealism vs. reality. I hope you fellow bloggers get a sense of the story "Of Mice and Men" and enjoyed my blog. It was an overall great experience but if I every feel the need to I will post more for you guys to read. In the great fight Idealism vs. reality, it seems as reality comes up on top. It had defeated George and Lennie in "Of Mice and Men" and had conquered others as well such as those in "The Road". Even though Reality had won, idealism may still come up on top as dreams can be made a reality. Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrates how this could be made possible. There you go guys idealism vs. reality two contrasting themes that can affect any life. I hope this blog had answered any question you guys may have had, such as how does idealism affect reality or what is Of Mice and Men.I hope you fellow bloggers had enjoyed my blog!

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