Of Mice and Men

         For those of you who haven't read the book , Of Mice and Men tells the story of two men, George and Lennie, trying to survive a corrupt world. The go off to work at a ranch and make some money. It took place in California during the Great Depression. The two are major idealists who dream of owning their own farm. They meet many different people at the farm such as Curly, Slim, Carlson and Candy. Lennie has a mental disability that often makes him forget things and has troubling deciding things for himself. George is Lennie's guardian, he guides Lennie to do the right things and the things he can't do himself. Of Mice and Men is an exciting story by John Steinbeck that I had a pleasure reading. If you wanna hear more of the story be sure to check out the rest of my blog where I will be analyzing the novel and discussing the reoccurring theme, idealism vs. reality and how it takes a toll of two simple men's lives.