
Who is John Steinbeck?

John Steinbeck ( February 27, 1902 - December 20, 1968)
            John Steinbeck was a famous novelist born February 27, 1902 and  died on December 20, 1968 at the age of 66. During his lifetime he had wrote some award winning novels such as The Grapes of Wrath,  East of Eden and even Of Mice and Men. He had won a Nobel prize in literature for his works. After doing some research on some of Steinbeck's works, idealism and reality aappears to be a reoccurring theme in his novels. Dreams, myths, and idealists are apart of his imaginative writing style and realism is apart of his interest in psychology and philosophy.  

            John Steinbeck gives us a view from both idealism and reality. It is difficult to say whether or not Steinbeck is an idealist or a realist seeing he writes from both point of view but I would consider him to both an idealist and a realist. The novel "Of Mice and Men"was based on his past experience's as a migratory worker during the Great Depression while he was living in California, just like George and Lennie. It appears that Steinbeck had himself in George and Lennie's situation's which had inspired him to write this novel. We see his realist side here. John Steinbeck may have had the same dreams and goals and George and Lennie while he was living the Great Depression. The dreams and goals may have been true or just apart of his imaginative writing style. We can see how John Steinbeck may be both an idealist and a realist.

            John Steinbeck was a great novelist who had wrote twenty seven novels with "Of Mice and Men" being one of them. He was a great writer and I have yet to read some of his other works but after reading "Of Mice and Men"i surely will and i hope you fellow bloggers do too!

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