
Chapter 5 Analysis

Lennie  &  Curley's Wife
            Chapter 5 is were all the excitement happens. The climax appears here as we start off the new chapter. At the beginning of chapter 5 we see Lennie sitting all alone with his dead puppy that he had killed while petting. He is fearing that George might not tend to the rabbits on the farm. He is only alone for a short time as Curley's lonely wife enters the barn, sits next to him and they begin talking. Curley's wife starts talking about her dreams of living a different life. We see here Curley's wife as an idealist. While sitting down Curley's wife allows Lennie to pet her soft hair. Lennie talks about the rabbits and how he enjoys petting soft things. Upon touching Curley's wife hair, Lennie begins to hold her too tight. Lennie soon begins to panic and while she is screeching in pain, he breaks her neck and kills her. After the death of Curley's wife Lennie flees the body after attempting to hide it. As you see in this situation how innocent Lennie truly is. He never means any harm.

             Eventually, Candy enters the barn looking for Lennie but ends up finding the dead body. Candy calls over George and at this very moment they realized the farm dream is over. George grabs the German Luger and leaves. Everyone else soon finds the body and the angered Curley immediately points the finger at Lennie, who he now wants dead. Curley tells everyone to find Lennie and the hunting begins.What happen next? Stay tuned for the last chapter and keep reading fellow bloggers.

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